
As I walk back from market today, I encountered a cat. This cat is no ordinary cat. It's a black cat. (*Intense music play*) Oooo scary.... Actually No... Then, it came to my mind that why are westerners so superstitious about black cats, we eastern people are more open..... OR not. Actually, there are more superstition than any western countries PARTICULARLY in Malaysia ESPECIALLY Chinese. In fact there is book titled "Don't Sit on this Book" by Philip Cheong written on Chinese taboo. Don't believe me? Notice why we have to use different table to pray during Ti Kong Seh (Jade Emperor Birthday), notice why certain pregnant women mustn't touch or do something? Notice how many Chinese that sits inside a car that have at least number 8 inside? I'm gonna explain a few here that may seem disagreeable but sensible to you.

Numbers - Chinese just love to "Fatt.... Choy". Though it may sound dirty but many of you already know that Fatt actually means Prosper. And the sound that it make are almost similar to 8 (patt). And then there's of course the death number 4. But many of you don't know is we share the same lucky number with the westerners that is 7. Chinese believe that number 7 can bring a wind of good change to anyone. Example: Baby teeth started to grow when they're 7 month's old, puberty at 14 years old (7 times 2), children get their adult teeth at 7 years old and menopause at 49 years old (7 times 7)..... wait is that a good change? Other auspicious number include 9 and 6. 9 is auspicious because it is the largest single digit number which represents LONGevity and 6 because it's a homonym for the word flower.

Pregnancy - It is believed that the emotion of the mother affects the baby. If the mother cries a lot then the baby will have a sour face. Yeah, sad... If the mother drink coffee the baby skin will not be fair... If the mother or father tease, curse or utter foul mouth to other people for example Pig Face then the baby will most likely turn out to be Pig Face. Pregnant women must also not attend any funerals as old folks believe that the spirit of the person died may take away the soul of the baby as well.

You think I'm finish about pregnancy? I'm just getting started. They say that in order to ward off evil spirits to harm the unborn baby, mother-to-be must place a knife under the bed. Don't cut anything on the bed, it resembles cutting of umbilical cord. Using glue is said to bring about difficult labor. Rubbing the baby bump often may results in over-demanding child. For those who got pregnant and not married yet, the groom must carry the bride over a pan of burning coals when entering his home for the first time to ensure a trouble-free labor. Speaking of pregnant, Prudential insurance offer protection of child even before they are born and their mother.(Did you know that 1 out of 2 women in the world has pregnancy complication?) Ya ya I'm advertising myself.... Say what you want...

Chinese New Year - This is quite simple one. First of all, never wear black colour on the first day of Chinese New Year. Don't clean your house on the first day of CNY. Open your window as it will bring good fortune. On Pai Ti Kong night, your table cloth mustn't touch the ground. And throwing oranges for the women is said to be able to married to a good husband.

Hungry Ghost Month and watching Floats: This belief is actually more towards Taoist religion. If you think Taoist and Buddhist is of different religion I suggest you go back and study your Journey to the West book. Okay I'll explain floats, girls must watch out... If you see a black flag with a yin yang logo during the float, you must turn your head away if you're on your menstruating week until that particular float past you. You mustn't see that float as it says the God may not be pleased. As for the hungry ghost month, in Penang you'll see many offerings on the road, take note that you mustn't take that offering as it's for the spirit. The Hungry Ghost month actually resembles New Year of the Underworld.

So far this is the only lot I know, if you know more feel free to comment it to me. Now, back to the black cat. I found a few superstitions on black cat that I feel strange.

- A black cat seen from behind foretells a bad omens
- A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity - Scottish
- A black cat crossing ones path by moonlight means death in an epidemic - Irish
- If a black cat lives in a house, the young lass will have plenty of suitors - English
- If you find a white hair on a black cat, Lady luck will smile upon you - French
- It is said that a reincarnated soul may be liberated if you throw a black cat into the fire - Indian
- Women can change their soul to black cat and any harm to the cat would be suffered by the women. - Bengali
- Black cats were reincarnated being able to divine the future. -Celtic
- If a black cat jump over a sick person bed, it means death is near. - German
- Black cats were to carry the souls of the dead to the underworld.- Finnish
- It is thought that the presence of black cat foretold poverty. - Chinese


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