Come It MAY I'll be Ready!
Come the month of May, come the month of change. I have been actively blogging for one month now and without your support I would have easily given up my hope. So now, I gonna add in a few extra features on this blog and I hope you'll remain a loyal and avid reader.

First of all, as you can see I change the blog name a bit. Well, that's not counted adding...
Secondly, the texts you see as a welcome note will now also function as notice board. I'll be displaying new add-on or simply happenings around us. I may also put in some of future hang-outs with friends, so if you ever feel lonely you can drop me an sms, call or comment that you'll like to join me and my friends for example let's say a movie.(A big example of the notice board currently is my song, check out why I change song my blog below the title)
Thirdly, soon there will be an advertisment on top of my profile page. Well, I sign up for that. Why? Because I plan to make this blog the first ever charity blog. Explanation: Everytime you click on the advertisment I'll gain money. Until I reached my first US$100, they will post me a cheque. From how much money I collected, I'll give 50% to the charity. I'll post from time to time how much I already got from your clicks on the notice board as well.
Moving on to an update on my life.
The end of April definitely allows me to see a change of luck, come May not only I discover that I finally got a job but I also feel that there is another way to jump-start my career - Insurance. Yup, I've decided to try my luck on insurance. I attended a dinner a night before and it comes to me that the people there seems to be pretty optimistic despite their English language failure (well, not of them of course). I'll be taking the test on May 22 and hopefully I can pass. So, if any of you guys/girls plan to buy one please to forget to contact me okay? Tip: I strongly suggest to those of you who're going to enter varsity to buy one at least for personal accident(accident does not cover the consequences after having pre-marital sex with someone that results in unwanted pregnancies on you or your partner) or a life insurance.(Just in case, you'll never know what will happen in the future....choy, choy, choy)
Well, do you think can I handle all these job at once? At first, I gonna say NO, then I found my spirit. It's not about the time, it's the energy. All I need is inspiration. Yeah, YoonA show some love....

Yeah! My day has been brighten!
To all labourers, Happy Labour Day!
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