Reminiscence of Form 6

It's been more than 3 months now since we all last sat together and chat about almost anything in the world and to think about we only been this close since about 2 years or so when we first started form 6. I had a flashback on my last 2 years of form 6 last night before going to sleep. Come to think of it, I had more sweet memories in form 6 than any other forms or years so far in my educational period. Oh, I miss those good times. What is it I miss about? It's a long story....

From the classroom front to the back, I could say almost everywhere you can find marks of our joy during form 6. I remember clearly at the front of the classroom left-hand side blackboard rests a projector screen on the top. On top of that lays our class' God of Exams, I missed praying it as somehow after praying in a very weird and unusual manner I'm more relaxed and the nervousness of exams were as easily disappeared as it comes. Then, on its left stood a door somewhat special because of its function as "emergency" entry to our class. Towards the right hand end of our class the famous rubbish bin stood still eveready to catch any form of ball to it's mouth. The most exciting place in my class in nonetheless the back corridor of the class. Not only a place for football, it's also a place to call "bearings" while facing towards Equator college. In case you don't know, bearings is refered to as "hot chicks" as a class special term to CREATE misunderstandings to our teachers as bearings also exists as a mathematical term. I'm talking about U6S1, the class that started it all.

Then, there is my classmates...well... ex-classmates now, kinda miss all of them... From Lip Chin's constant "Ki Ler" to Ban Hui pervert shouts, from Chun Yuen's nap to Christopher's forgetfulness, from Diviyan's constant absence in class to Ping Shiuan's musical talent, from Liang Yit's "sweet" singing voice to Tatt Wei's study "aura" (trust me, if you're there you could feel it too), Then, there is Wai Kin's weird shout wherever he's ready for to "chop" someone and Chun Hyiin's hillarious action trying to tied in his shirt hurrily when called upon by teacher. Oh, not to mention our class creative artist Madeleine (I hope I spelled correctly) and gossip girl May Ling. Despite our craziness, there exists very tough educational-wise competition in our class. Nonetheless, these people have thought me lessons in life one way or the other and I can't say much about them for now, perhaps other related posts. Of course there are also friends besides my classmates that I've grown close to and have thought me valuable lessons in life. But there is too many to be listed here from Sora Aoi's fan to Twilight's fan, from bookworm to hardcore gamer, from music enthusiast to annoying vocals... These friends are worth having them to count on...

There is much to be said that what is written here, but sadly if I were to continue typing there will be less and less people to read this. All in all, I do not regret coming to form 6.


  1. I never regret getting into form 6 because of all those sweet memories that i got there. There was so much i learn. U6S1 was the only class i studied b4 which is most unite class ever!..very very memorable!!..Admund, is nice to read your blog..well done!

    P.s:BEH HO SEH!


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