Waking Up Since September Ends...
For those who do not know, his name is Samy. Samy Bulu Vellu
You see, I practically relaxed while the whole world is...well.......*lost for words*. Erm... anyway October is at present so I hope I would stop dreaming and work twice as hard as there's many event coming up in October. The UMP Lantern Festival which I gonna help (Yes, for those of you calling me a banana and not helping in this event - shame on you. You are more of a Rambutan than me), then there's the Nine Emperor Gods event where I have to go vegetarian, Test 2 coming up, I'm running out of Dynamo, in a dilemma to buy iPhone or not. Whatever it is, I just can't seem to get my mind focus on studies, everytime I open the notes/slides, I feel like I wanna do something else. *sigh* I need inspiration.
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