
Not too long ago, Forbes revealed 25 worst passwords of 2011. Now if you see your password is listed below, you better change it fast. In this post I'll also be giving tips and tricks on how to manage your password better. So here you go Top 25 Worst Passwords
1) password
2) 123456
3) 12345678
4) qwerty
5) abc123
6) monkey
7) 1234567
8) letmein
9) trustno1
10) dragon
11) baseball
12) 111111
13) iloveyou
14) master
15) sunshine
16) ashley
17) bailey
18) passwOrd
19) shadow
20) 123123
21) 654321
22) superman
23) qazwsx
24) michael
25) football
If you don't see any of your password above then, congratulations! You're save for now...
Anyway, here are some tips to make your account more secure.
1) Try to have at least 8 characters in your password
2) Try to have mix of 4 types of characters - Capital letters, small letters, numbers and special character (!@#$%^&*)
3) Your password shouldn't be a name, a slang or any word in dictionary OR any word the same as your email address.
4) Try not to have a unified password for all account.
I'll give you a combination. For example my old twitter password was B!rDyTw33t... Only way I remember is when I see the bird logo in twitter. And my old facebook password was =)B00k13 as =) is face while 13 shows there are 13 person on the main page. Try to have something when you log into the website, the website itself is already a hint.
PS: Worse come to worse, put your password as "incorrect" so when you failed to log in, the website will tell you the answer itself... "Your password is incorrect. Please try again". Lame joke~ But pretty smart eh~~ lol
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