
Showing posts from November, 2011

Early Birthday

Today was a happy day. Yeah! That's the end of this post! You think? Here's what happen today, my friends throw me a surprise early birthday gathering which I wasn't expected till 5.45pm when Celine told me to accompany her to atm then she'll discuss thermodynamics with me. (By the way, today was also the first time I skip class this semester). I was curious as in "Why she make me walk that far to where she always go atm alone... well... most of the time?" However I chose to believe her as she's a good and loyal friend of mine and I did ask her to help me in thermo this morning. So when I reach the atm place there was a tiny bit of shock in me because I didn't expect many people to turn up including some I'm not really close to. A short while later, came the cake. It was funny as there were 2 cakes - one black one white. There was this other girl - Shu Yin which she has birthday one day earlier than mine but since she's going ba...

Sometimes in Life

It's been a while since I posted anything. Actually I've been saving this post since the last one I posted and it was suppose to be the part 2 of Things You Don't Know Till Your 21, however due to busy semester 3 schedule and extra curricular activities, I couldn't find time to studies how the Picasa Web Album works... Now I manage to find a bit time to settle down... Note: You can actually enlarger the pictures by clicking on it. You can also pause the slideshow by just moving your cursor towards the slide show and click on the "Pause" button. Have a pleasant evening!