Journey into the Unknown - Part 2
Yup I heard you guys love the first one so here's another 10 unsolved mysteries in the world for you to puzzle on. Enjoy!
1. Sphinx of Giza, Egypt
Another Egyptian wonder (refering to Pyramids of Giza in Part 1), the Sphinx of Giza has a body of a lion and the head of a Pharoah (Egypt king), believed by most to be that of king Khafre. It was carved from soft limestone, and has been slowly falling apart over the years. A popular theory of the missing nose claims that Napoleon's soldiers shot it off with a cannon in 1798, but early sketches discovered of the Sphinx without a nose predate Napoleon's rampage.
2. Chupacabra
Phylis Canion holds the head of what she is calling a Chupacabra at her home in Cuero, Texas. This strange-looking animal, first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995, apparently has a taste for chicken and goat blood. Although many pictures like the above might prove its existence, biologists assure no such creature exists.
3. The Ark of Covenant...