The Soaking Wet Experience

Ever since two Thursdays ago, my body grown weaker and I'm not sure why. I knew it is only a matter of time before I would fall sick. And true enough, Thursday right after the Organic Chemistry test I got caught cold. It's not my fault that I wanted to catch it but 'hot' is running too fast to catch so I catch it's enemy - The Cold!!! (I'm being ridiculous here). Anyway, this cold of mine has a network of friends as well just like in Facebook. One by one, my sickness come and the stupidiest thing is I burned my own hand with a cup of tea. I try to taste the tea from whats left in the cup - it's salty!

However, this is not the topic I want to focus on here. What I want to tell you is what happened during the peak of my sickness. It was raining heavily and I just finished dinner and prepare to get to class last Monday(It was 4 days ago - the same date as my last post which explains my emo-ness). It's not about the rain that I'm worried about, it's what I'm about to face. Never did I knew that the drain squeezing between 2 roads were actually flooding as in like the forest river condition during rainy seasons where the flow power of the river can just sweep you off and wash you away. That's not all, the problem is the drain floats till it covers the first few steps of the stirs going up to a higher ground. And there is no other way. So, decision now... To jump or not to jump? I was hoping to create a Titanic -You jump, I jump moment here but sadly Kate Winslet lookalike around... *sad*. In the end, did I jump? - No, I just walk through the drain powerful flow as I'm curious on how strong the current is and Yes - it can really wash you away if I did not hold the railings. End up, my shoes and socks all soaking wet but thankfully I put my medicine in my bag which surprisingly not very wet.

Morale of the story : Wear slippers to lecture halls during heavy rain.


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